The importance of the civic project to the McLeod for tomorrow mission is vast in nature. The benefits from our program are easy to see when you’ve been a part of the program however, for those who don’t know about McLeod for tomorrow, it can be hard to find tangible results. The idea behind creating a civic project, was to show the county physical results of the front of the program. Previous Projects The first year, be worked on the Brownton …
What’s New
Dividends in McLeod County
McLeod for Tomorrow pays dividends back to McLeod County in many ways. Post program surveys filled out by participants indicate an increase in self-efficacy, self-awareness, civic engagement, cross community knowledge and shared vision for the future (Kallevig & Jackola, 2023). Participants report looking for more ways to get involved with their community after completing the program. The dividends to the county that are a ripple effect of …
Upcoming Leadership Program Changes
You may have heard, but McLeod For Tomorrow's leadership program is changing with the 2023-2024 program year. This change has been something we have been actively working on over the last two years, so the change is not a surprise. The new model will allow for the same amount of educational time as before, but it will just look a bit different than before. It will also allow for additional networking opportunities for leaders who attend the …
Rural Leadership: Investing in Our Future
Rural leadership is an often overlooked yet essential component for rural communities. Investing in rural leadership development is key to addressing the unique challenges faced by rural areas. Successful and flourishing rural communities require strong leadership. With an aging population, limited resources, and the need to prepare the youth for their future, rural leaders play a vital role in the growth of their communities. Investing in Rural …
Justin Testimony
Justin Beck attended the McLeod For Tomorrow program in the 2018-2019 class year. Before he completed class 11, he decided to become a board member to continue his involvement with MFT. When we were looking for testimonies to add to the website, Justin was the first to volunteer. Justin has always been active in the community, volunteering previously for McLeod For Tomorrow events. His work with the county kept him involved in the public works …